How many pages does the book?
This book was written by Mark Alders, this is a ebook book in the .
A/N:, Download of this book is no longer available due to a future project I have in mind for it.,Official Description:, The M/M Romance Group asked: What could be a hotter way to celebrate summer than with a short custom written story by one of our talented authors? How about a lot of them? Our member authors are being encouraged to indulge us with their creativity. ,I answered the call.,Pyrogasm is a story in the same universe as "The Adventures of the Magician's Coven" with some slight differences. Here, I have used the elements as inspiration, creating a tale where a wizard named Hans gets almost too hot to handle.,Original Prompt,Dear Author,,This is me: [picture 1],I know you probably wouldn't guess but I am a powerful wizard, still trying to discover my abilities and learning my limits. One night while practicing my fire control I had an accident. (Flaming ball throwing is not as easy as it sounds!) Anyway, things quickly got out of hand and I thought i was going to die... then he showed up: [picture 2],Author, please tell me what happens now...,Photo Description:, [picture 1] Two pictures of uber-hot men in white underwear. The first poses, his T-shirt pulled up under his arms. His cut muscles, strong features and dark hair are given a Clark-Kent edge by rectangular dark-framed glasses. The second's face is shadowed by a fireman's hat, his chest framed by suspenders for pants slipped half off his hips. ,[picture 2] A gorgeous man wearing nothing but tight white underwear and a fireman’s cap stands in front of a blaze.,This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's ,"Hot Summer Days", event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.,Read the story ,here, or find it in ,Don't Read in the Closet, Volume 4,.,__________,Genre:, paranormal,Tags:, gay m/m, Adventures of the Magician’s Coven series, firemen,Word Count:, 10,960