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Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language
This book was written by Ronald P. Cody,Jeffrey K. Smith, this is a Paperback book in the .
As the SAS(c) programming language continues to evolve, this guide follows suit with timely coverage of the combination statistical package, database management system, and high-level programming language. Using current examples from business, medicine, education, and psychology, , Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language ,is an invaluable resource for applied researchers, giving them the capacity to perform statistical analyses with SAS without wading through pages of technical documentation. ,KEY TOPICS: , Includes the necessary SAS statements to run programs for most of the commonly used statistics, explanations of the computer output, interpretations of results, and examples of how to construct tables and write up results for reports and journal articles. Illustrated with SAS Graph(TM) output. Provides readers with ample models for developing programming skills. ,MARKET: , For anyone interested in learning more about applied statistics and the SAS programming language.