Fifty Birds of Town and City

How many pages does the book?

Fifty Birds of Town and City

It has 50 pages

This book was written by Bob Hines, this is a Hardcover book in the .

50 beautiful full-color paintings with a short description of each bird. Includes: Baltimore Oriole; Barn Swallow; Bluebird; Blue Jay; Bobwhite; Brown Creeper; Brown Thrasher; Canada Goose; Cardinal; Catbird; Chimney Swift; Cowbird; Crow; Downy Woodpecker; Flicker; Goldfinch; Grackle; Green Heron; Herring Gull; House Sparrow; House Wren; Mallard; Mockingbird; Mourning Dove; Myrtle Warbler; Nighthawk; Pigeon; Purple Martin; Red-headed Woodpecker; Robin; Song Sparrow; Sparrow Hawk; Starling; Tufted Titmouse; Turkey Vulture; Wood Pewee; Wood Thrush; Yellowthroat: Yellow Warbler.